11. What are your total expenses each month for: Ninety percent of our income is spent on food. Since the embargo, we don't spend any money on clothing or any luxury items. For example, one shirt costs 300 dinars (300 dinars is $100 at the official rate, but it takes 17,000 dinars on the Black Market.)Both sides of the family have a bank account but since the cost of living is so expensive, we cannot save any money. Shaimaa's family (5 members) spends around 1,800 dinars/month ($600 US). Abed Ali's family (7 members) spends about 2,500 dinars/month ($833 US). 12. What is your family's energy consumption and cost? Electricity: Both families spend 13 dinars/month ($4.33 US). Water: Both families spend 6 dinars/month ($2 US). 14. Does your family buy, produce, or sell foreign goods? Because of the embargo, foreign goods are rare and very expensive in Baghdad shops. When they have a car, the Iraqi people drive big American cars and Japanese ones too. The average Iraqi family has a car, which they purchased before the embargo. Family Possessions 15. What is each family member's most valued possession? Why? Amira: Country and parents. Ikhlas: Family and job. Falah: Guitar. Alia: Jewelry and children. Abed Ali: Family, country and TV. Sahar: An audio tape of Iraqi pop songs. Hala: "Baghdad Game," an Iraqi version of Monoply. Ahmad: Plastic ball. Suher (Susu): Soft toy bear. 16. What other possessions would you like to acquire? We would like to acquire clothes and jewelry. Sahar would like to have a car while his father Abed Ali wants a new car and electronic machines such as a video and computer.